Whether a single blossom or a bountiful bouquet, roses bring out romance and feelings of love and affection…and what could be more romantic than heart shaped rose wreaths filled with delicate rose buds and blossoms accented with a charming wedding band illustration symbolizing the love between two people! The “Best Wishes” sentiment is the perfect finishing touch to any occasion celebrating the gift of love from bridal showers, to weddings to special anniversaries!
Heartfelt Creations, Classic Wedding Collection, Stamps & Dies Set Combo, Classic Wedding Roses
Product Info:
Approx. Image Sizes:
1. Large Rose Wreath: 4.0” x 3.5”
2. Small Rose Wreath: 3.0” x 2.75”
3. Wedding Band Set: 1.25” x 1.25”
4. Best Wishes Sentiment: 1.75” x 1.0”
Included with stamp set:
1. Storage panel for use with a two or three ring binder
2. Stamp packaging can also be used as a storage box for the stamp(s).