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Visible Image, Zodiac, Clear Stamps, Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Regular price ₩25,000

‘Written in the Stars’ collection of zodiac stamps include zodiac symbols in a really cool geometric design, star constellations, and character traits.. what does your zodiac sign say about you?


Large geometric crab 6cm x 6cm
Small geometric crab 3.5cm x 3.5cm
Large star constellation 3.5cm x 2cm
Small star constellation 2cm x 1cm
Cancer 3.5cm x 1cm
Dates 5cm x 1cm
sensitive: 4cm x 1cm caring: 3cm x 1cm emotional: 4cm x 1cm sentimental: 4.5cm x 1cm intuitive: 4cm x 1cm

Design by Visible Image & Made in the UK.