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Daniel Smith, Pure Pigment (No Wax), Watercolor Stick, Carmine

Regular price $19.50

The power of pure pigment is at your fingertips with portable, versatile watercolor sticks. Painting, drawing, scribbling and mark-making come together for maximum creative expression. Each stick is the equivalent of three full pans of paint, making it a fantastic value.

Darker and more staining than Alizarin Crimson, and vastly superior in permanence, Carmine is also redder. This staining pigment, rich and intense, will retain its luminosity in dark passages, but will dilute to produce subtle tones without reducing its permanence. Darkest of the reds, Carmine will help you achieve clear neutrals when mixed with its complement, Phthalo Green.

Here are five ways to use them as an alternative to watercolor in tubes or pans.

1.  Dip and smudge
Dip the stick into water, then smudge saturated color on to wet paper.

2.  Rub and blend
Rub different sticks into a small puddle of water to create a blend.

3.  Brush the tip
The flat tip and the sides (once the label is removed) of the stick are similar to a pan when used with a wet brush – it’s like a pan in your hand!

4.  Make marks
Sharpen a dry stick to draw distinct marks on wet paper that can be slightly softened with a damp brush.

5.  Create a wash
After sharpening your sticks, save the shavings to dissolve in water to draw distinct marks on wet paper that can be slightly softened with a damp brush.